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Design & Development

WordPress the most popular CMS in the world 

With just over 40% of all websites being built using WordPress, it is arguably the most popular website content management platform on the web. Tried and tested, it gives us the flexibility and efficiency to get your message in front of your visitors quickly and effectively.

There is no point in having a great-looking website which holds your content hostage or presents a pile of words that is unreadable and damages your brand.


Try one of our audits to kickstart your digital presence

Whether you are starting out on a new venture or have a well-established site we are certain that we can provide useful, actionable insights to give your business a boost

Read more about our audits

Why we choose WordPress to manage your content

  • Once your site has been developed, for most page building and content editing purposes, WordPress does not require any coding expertise reducing the barriers to publishing
  • Functionality can be extended with the careful use of plugins. WordPress has been around for a very long time and has a huge community of developers working to provide solutions to problems
  • The look and feel of your WordPress site can easily be adapted through the application of a new theme or a tweak to an existing one should you require a refresh at a later date
  • WordPress can be very SEO-friendly

Don’t think that a WordPress-based website will look generic. We can customise and tailor our chosen framework’s modules to provide a site as individual and unique as your business.

WordPress Development Options

We build using a tried and tested page builder. The builder takes on the structural background tasks and supplies a set of common modules to hang content on (text block, accordions, galleries, sliders etc). This leaves us more time from your budget to work on the content, which is the point of the site being there after all.

Very few businesses need a site built entirely from scratch. Since the output of WordPress and its associated page builders has become clean and useful and no longer gets in the way of the content, our practice has changed from working with the raw HTML, PHP, Javascript and CSS to focussing on the CSS for branding and style. Our background in raw coding does give us an advantage when working with a CMS as we are familiar with the foundations on which they are built.

Don’t think that a WordPress-based website will look generic. We can customise and tailor our chosen framework’s modules to provide a site as individual and unique as your business.

We aim to remove as many barriers (technical and financial) to publishing your content as possible and believe that WordPress is the right platform to choose to achieve this goal. Your site’s purpose is, after all, to make sure your message gets in front of the right people as easily and effectively as possible.

If you already have a site built on WordPress, we can take a look at it with a view to redevelopment or optimisation. We have experience with a variety of page builders and frameworks and have successfully taken on the management of several client sites

WordPress Security

We understand that the popularity of WordPress makes it a target for hackers which is why we take every precaution to keep your site secure. We keep WordPress core up to date as well as the plugins we use for extra functionality. We also make sure a best in class security plugin is insalled.

We always recommend the paid-for versions of security applications which feature real-time malware recognition updates and a more comprehensive list of protections.

On the server side, we are confident that our long term hosting partner has all the bases covered with servers at different physical locations, multiple backups of every site we host as well as regularly reviewing their infrastucture.

Web Design and Development

Optimisation isn’t just for the benefit of your visitors; it’s for search engines too.

WordPress Optimisation

You never know where your site is being viewed from. Your visitors are as likely to be accessing your content from a phone in a car park over 3G as they are to be sitting in an office on a fibre connection. It’s more important than ever to ensure that your site loads as quickly as possible with optimised assets and delivery.

Acquire and retain more website visitors (customers) with our WordPress Optimisation features:

  • Compression – ensuring the server compresses the page code that is sent to your visitors’ browsers to reduce load times and improve their experience of your site
  • Asset Optimisation – Optimise, combine and minify files to improve page speed. This includes images, script files and stylesheets
  • Caching – pages are cached until they are updated so that time-consuming references to the databases are reduced. Your site loads more quickly, making visitors and search engines happy
  • Monitoring – we can keep an eye on your website’s response times and make sure that it’s working well. We get reports of site assets that may be causing issues

Optimisation isn’t just for the benefit of your visitors; search engines appreciate a fast site and take various performance factors into account when ranking sites in their results.

AlphaQuad Hosting


We also offer the option of AlphaQuad hosting with our long-term hosting partner Catalyst2. We chose this company many years ago because they consistently outperformed Rackspace, the previous industry Gold standard. 

They provide, manage, secure, monitor and back up our servers. They provide us with a 24/7 expert support team who, as well as responding to any queries or requests we may send them, proactively monitor all the sites hosted on the platform.

The hosting support team are also happy to help with the installation of a wide range of custom and off-the-shelf applications and, if necessary, they provide additional expertise to track down bugs and help provide analysis and advice with all sorts of challenges. We know them all by name and think of them as an extension of our in-house team.

We have a ‘big red button’ that allows us, should anything go badly astray, to roll back any of our sites. That could be the previous day or at a point a week or more previously. Sites can normally be restored from a backup in less than an hour. This is in addition to any snapshots we may choose to take during upgrades or feature integration.

We only host AlphaQuad clients on our dedicated servers and proactively monitor all sites for security issues. This protects everyone on the server.

Ready to embark on your Web Project?

We have been building and marketing websites in Warwickshire and Worcestershire since 1998. We’d love to help you with your WordPress queries. Get in touch with your question and one of the team will get back to you soon. We look forward to hearing from you.

Get in touch

AlphaQuad Dedicated Server features

  • Hosted on a fully redundant VMware cloud with Dell Hardware
  • Full Firewalling and 7-day rolling offsite Backups
  • Automated malware scanning
  • Proactive server and website monitoring
  • Automated Security Updates
  • Instant Failover to new server on our VMware cloud
  • 4Gb disk storage quota (more if required)
  • No bandwidth limits (within the server infrastructure capacity)
  • Lightspeed server
  • OS: Centos 7
  • Drive size: 60GB SSD
  • vCPU: 4
  • RAM: 10GB
  • Control Panel: cPanel
Web Design and Development

Your WordPress Partners

We aren’t just WordPress experts; we are front-end developers, marketers, copywriters and SEO experts. All in one building, working together, sharing insights and knowledge to make your site better than your competition.

The process and relationship doesn’t end with the launch of your site. We will continue to work with you to make sure your site is secure, optimised and, above all, discoverable. This is as important for the owner of a bespoke e-commerce web application as it is for a startup trying to build an audience for their service.

Read more about WordPress in our Digital Digest

Here, we share digital marketing insights, tips, and discussions that help you stay up to date with the latest trends in today’s digital landscape.

Digital Marketing Strategy

A good place to start. An overview of your digital marketing activity to help refine, enhance, and optimise your online presence.

Digital Marketing Strategy

A good place to start. An overview of your digital marketing activity to help refine, enhance, and optimise your online presence.