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Google Analytics Audit

Understanding your online presence is pivotal, and there’s no tool more powerful for this than Google Analytics. However, are you leveraging its full potential? 

Google Analytics Audit Services

Our Google Analytics Audit ensures that your website data collection is accurate, reliable, and tailor-made to support your business objectives. Let’s transform your data into actionable insights, optimising your website’s performance and boosting your ROI!

Google Analytics Audit

The AlphaQuad Google Analytics Audit

Your Google Analytics account is vital in capturing essential data about website traffic, user behaviour, and digital performance. However, if it’s not set up correctly, you might steer your business based on misleading or incomplete information. Our Google Analytics audit services can help your business significantly boost the accuracy of the data you receive through your Google Analytics account, meaning that you can make more informed marketing decisions based on reliable data. Your Google Analytics Audit will include:

Opportunities for Dashboard configuration

Reviewing how your Google Analytics dashboard is currently set up. By analysing its layout and data presentation. We identify areas for optimisation and suggest ways to make your dashboard more user-friendly and informative.

Data anomalies - odd results

Data inconsistencies can distort your understanding and lead to misinformed decisions. We scan for any anomalies in your data, such as unexpected spikes or drops in traffic, and ascertain their causes. This ensures you make decisions based on genuine trends, not outliers or errors.

Filters and explorations for clear data insights

Accurate data segmentation and filtration are crucial for a clear understanding of your traffic and user behaviour. Our audit reviews your current filters, segments and explorations, ensuring irrelevant traffic is excluded and meaningful data is correctly categorised for precise insights.

Possible goal and conversion points for automated results

Understanding where and when users are converting is essential. We evaluate potential areas on your website that can serve as conversion or goal points. Plus, we’ll provide recommendations for automating results tracking to monitor the effectiveness of your campaigns with ease.

Event tracking for user behaviour analysis

User behaviour is a gold mine of insights, and event tracking provides a granular view of how users interact with your site. Our audit will identify key user actions that are not already tracked to better understand user journeys and preferences.

Understanding correlations and relationships

Data in isolation can be misleading. We ensure you use the right parameters to study correlations and relationships between different metrics. This holistic approach lets you see the bigger picture, from traffic sources to user behaviour and conversion paths.

Google Analytics Audit

Ready to Elevate Your Insights?

If you’re dedicated to gaining a deeper understanding of your audience and elevating your online engagement, a Google Analytics Audit is the logical next step to help you ensure your data feeds are configured to give you meaningful and insightful data.
Google Analytics Audit

What are the benefits of a Google Analytics audit?

Understanding the real value of a Google Analytics audit means recognising the potential improvements it can bring to your digital marketing strategy. Here are some of the key benefits of such an audit.

Enhanced data accuracy

With a Google Analytics audit, you ensure the reliability of your data. When you can trust your data, it empowers your team to make informed strategies without second-guessing the numbers.

Uncover hidden opportunities

With a thorough Google Analytics audit, you can identify and track metrics that matter most to your business, revealing significant growth opportunities and areas for improvement.

Informed decision making

When your digital marketing decisions are grounded in reliable data, they align more closely with your business goals, ensuring you’re always moving in the right direction.

Staying ahead in a dynamic digital landscape

A regular Google Analytics audit ensures your Google Analytics account remains compliant, efficient, and adaptable to future changes, allowing you to leverage the tool’s full capabilities and stay ahead of competitors.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re considering a Google Analytics Audit, we recognise that you may have many questions. We have summarised some of those we are regularly asked below. If your question isn’t answered here, contact the team, and we can assist.

Google Analytics Audit

Book your Google Analytics Audit

From £695 ex VAT, our Google Analytics Audits are designed to help ensure your data streams are set up correctly in order to gain accurate insights about your website traffic and user behaviour. Send us your details, and one of the team will get back to you soon. We look forward to hearing from you.
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